Directions for Available Pre-Approved On Line Credits For NYLT

Posted Date: 
Thursday, October 17, 2019

New York Logger Training, Inc. is pleased to provide convenient and interesting on-line webinars which provide credits for loggers seeking thier recertification at any level.  NYLT periodically updates our offerings of pre-approved available on line credits so if you're in need of some credits, take a look!

 In order to take advantage of these workshops, follow these easy steps:

1. Know your NYLT Logger ID.  If you don't know this number, please contact NYLT at (518) 463-1297 or email Dorian at

2. Follow this link.  

3. From there you will  see a list of webinars, their discriptions and length of time.  1.5 hour courses are valued at .25 NYLT CE credit.  2 hour plus courses are valued at .5 NYLT CE credits be lead through a series of prompts to complete the process. 

4. Once completed, records will be sent directly to NYLT, on a monthly basis.  If a logger desires, they can forward the certificate they recieve via emails at the completion of the workshop to NYLT for immediate credit.